Thicket is a health application created as a student project. This project focused on my ability to design across platforms such as desktop, mobile phone, and smart watch. Thicket is a water intake tracking application that keeps the user accountable using a plant's health to mimic their own. As the user adds their drink, the plant grows healthy. If the user begins to drink less then their goal, the plant begins to wilt.
The app also allowed for the user to communicate and compete with friends through messaging and tracking widgets. This added extra incentive for the user to keep up with the goals they have set.
After designing out an application, I also created a landing page using WordPress and the Divi plugin. I used a hover pop-out animation on the hero header and scroll animations throughout the page. Some of these animations were built into Divi, but I had to use some of my HTML and Javascript knowledge for the hover pop-out animation. This animation tracks the user's mouse to create a 3D pop-out effect. You can see it in the mockup below, where the phone mockup is popped out of the card to create this effect.

